- Born: 15 Feb 1690/91, Granby, Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
- Christened: Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
- Married: 17 Dec 1712, Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
- Died: 14 Dec 1787, Barber Brook, West Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Another name for Sarah was Mercy.
Ancestral File Number: 3GLN-7V. User ID: 577.
General Notes:
NOTES Part of the Genealogy of the Barber Family (Handwritten by ?Col Levi Barber vs Capt Levi Barber) First Generation Thomas Barber of Mildred Bradstreet England aged 21 years, sailed from London England, in March 1635 in the ship 'Christian' for America after taking the oath of Allegiance and Subservience, resided in Dorchester Massachusetts afterwards in Windsor Connecticut, was engaged in teh Pequot war under Stoughton, his wife's name Jane, who with her husband both died in 1662. Thomas and Jane had 6 children. ?Second Generation 1st Samuel Barber, son of Thomas and Jane Barber, born in 1648 married 1st wife Mary Cousins or Mary Long, 2nd wife * Drake daughter of John Drake. He had two children by his first wife and two by his last wife. ?Third Generation 2nd Samuel Barber, son of 1st Samuel and Mary Barber, born 1673, married Mercy Holcomb. They had six children, 4 sons and 2 daughters, who removed with their widowed mother, from Windsor to West Simsbury, now Canton, Connecticut in 1738. Mercy Holcomb Barber at the time of the removal was 47 years old. She was 18 years younger than her husband and died in 1787 aged 96 years. Fourth Generation 3rd Samuel Barber (Dr) born in 1713, died in 1797, 1st wife Tryphena Humphrey; wnd wife Hannah Humphrey, each wife bore 7 children; Tryphena died aged 30 years; Hannah died aged 93 years, the 3rd Samuel Barber was the son of the 2nd Samuel Barber and Mercy Barber.
BOOKS Descendants of Phineas Holcomb, Seth P Holcombe, 1988, North Granby CT pvii: "Nataniel2 Holcombe was born 4 Nov 1648 in the Poquonock section of the Town of Windsor. He died 5 Mar 1740/1741 in Simsbury CT. He married 26 Feb 1670 probably in Springfield MA Mary Bliss, the daughter of Nathaniel Bliss of Springfield and Catherine Chapin, the Daughter of Deacon Samuel Chapin, a founder of Springfield MA. Nathaniel Holcombe built the first house in Salmon Brook Society (now Granby) located south of the present address of 238 Salmon Brook Street, Granby. Nathaniel and Mary (Bliss) Holcombe had ten children: Nathaniel Jr b 11 Jun 1673 Springfield MA Mary b 17 May 1765 d Abt 1744 unm. Jonathan b 15 Feb1678/1679, d 7 Oct 1761 John b 1680, d 11 Jul 1744 Martha b 1682, m Daniel Hayes Esther b Feb 1684 Catherine b 1689 Saah (sic) <Sarah b 1691 Margaret b 16__, m Mr North Benjamin b 15 Feb 1697/1698..."
The Mary and John The Story of the Founding of Dorchester Massachusetts 1630, Maude Pinney Kuhns, Charles E Tuttle Co, Rutland VT, 1943, (CT Historical Society) p42: "Thomas Holcomb was born about 1601, and is believed to have been the son of Gilbert and Ann Holcomb. He married Elizabeth Ferguson probably after arriving in America, though it has been claimed that they married in England before embarking on the 'Mary and John'... "Children: 1. Elizabeth 1634-18 Sep 1712 m 16 Nov 1654 Josiah Ellsworth d 20 Aug 1689 2. Mary 1636-1708 m 3 Oct 1655 George Griswold 1633-1704 3. Abigail 1638-17 Aug 1688 m 11 Jun 1658 Samuel Bissell 1636-17 May 1698 4. Joshua 1640-1 Dec 1690 (Simsbury) m 4 Jun 1663 Ruth Sherwood d 10 Sep 1699 5. Sarah 1642-1654 6. Benajah 1644-1736 m 1667 Sarah Eno 1649-1732 7. Deborah 1646-d young 8. Nathaniel b 4 Nov 1648, a farmer at Simsbury, m 27 Feb 1670 Mary b 23 Sep 1651 dau of Nathaniel Bliss "Children: Nathaniel 11 Jun 1673-1766 m 1695 Martha Buell 1675-1760 Mary b 17 May 1675 Jonathan b 1678 John b 1680 m 9 Mar 1706 Anna Pettibone Esther b 1682 m 17 Feb 1708 Bircester Higley Catherine b 1698 m 22 Jan 1707 Joseph Messenger Sarah b 1691 m 17 Dec 1712 Samuel Barbour (sic) Benjamin b 15 Feb 1698 m 12 Oct 1727 Hannah Case 9. Deborah 15 Feb 1650-1686 m 12 Oct 1668 DanielBirge 10. Jonathan b 1653-d young."
The Connecticut Barbers, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor Connecticut, Donald S Barber, McDowell Publications, Utica NY, 1992, p5: "After Thomas and Mary were married, they lived in a house built by Thomas in Windsor. About 1670/1671 he moved his family to Simsbury along with his brother Samuel and family... p6: "Children of Thomas and Mary: "...9. Samuel3, b 17 May 1673; m Sarah Holcomb..." p12: "9. Samuel3 Barber, b probably Windsor CT 17 May 1673; d Simsbury Ct 18 Dec 1725; m Simsbury 17 Dec 1712 Sarah Holcomb, b 15 Feb 1678, d 1787, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Bliss) Holcomb. "In 1738, twelve years after Samuel's death, Sarah moved withher family from their home in Simsbury to a log cabin that her sons built near Barber Brook in West Simsbury. "Many descendants lived in this area, which became Canton in 1806. The area where many of the Barbers lived was known later as 'Barberton', and lies just above Canton Center. [Ref: Barber Gen; Barber Gen #2; Barbour IX:m,d; Lt: Carol McCarthy; CHS:LBBarbour Ms; Barber Gen #7] "Children of Samuel and Sarah: "21. Samuel4, b 1713/1714; m/1 Tryphena Humphrey; m/2 Hannah Humphrey. "22. Thomas4, b 1716; m Elizabeth Adams. "23. Jonathan4, b 1717; m Jemimah Cornish. "24. John4, b 4 Dec 1719; m Lydia Reed. "Mercy4, b 1721; d 14 Jul 1745; m Simsbury 7 Jul 1742 Ephriam Buell Jr, b 24 Nov 1717, d 1745, son of Ephraim and Mary (Holcomb) Buell; resided at Simsbury. Mercy died on the same day that her second child was born. [Ref: Buell Gen]..."
Digest of Early Connecticut Probate Records, C W Manwaring, Vol II, p464: "Sam- uel Barbour, Simsbury, Died 18 Dec 1725, Will dated 7 Dec 1725...I give unto my well-beloved wife Sarah 1/3 of all my improveable lands during life; 1/3 of my moveable estate, sith L10 more to be levied out of my moveable estate, forever...I constitute my wife Sarah and my brother Benjamin Holcomb sole executors."
Digest of Early Connecticut Probate Records, C W Manwaring, Vol III, p286-287: "Nathaniel Holcomb, Simsbury, Taken 2 Apr 1741. Will dated 7 Feb 1740-1...To my five daughters, Mary, Katharine, Hester, Sarah, and Margaret, I give, after debts and legacies are paid out of them, the remainder of my moveable estate, to be divided equally amongst them..."
The Holcombs (Holcombes 1631-1887), Portland Ore, GH Himes Printer, 1887, 33p 22 cm 41-41198 CS71.H725 1887: "Some account of their origin settlement and scatterment as elicited at the first and second family reunions, held at LeRoy PA Oct 1879 and Mount Airy NJ Aug 1886, On Cover: `The Holcombes 1631-1887'".
TheHolcomb(e) Genealogy History and Directory, Jesse Seaver, Philadelphia PA, American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1925, vii 286p 27.5cm, CS71.H725 1925 and 1925a p41: "Nathaniel (Son of Thomas) Holcomb and His Descendants. (ah) "201 Nathaniel Holcomb (2- ): b. 4 Nov 1648 in Poquonock Windsor CT; d. 5 Mar (Feb) 1740/1741; rem. to Massacoe, now Simsbury; m. (1) 27 Feb 1670 Mary (dau. of Nathaniel (or Thomas) Bliss (one of the original founders of Hartford CT) and CatherineChapin dau. of Dea. Samuel Chapin of Springfield, a character in the Charter Oak story (see Part XII); m. (2) 16 (17) Jan 1725 (3 or 2) Sarah, widow of Josiah Owen (d. 29 Sep 1706). He was a Rep from Simsbury and Windsor to the Gen. Court of CT, 1703-1706; 1720-1722; farmer; sergeant in Rev. War. 1 Nathaniel (202) 2 Mary: 17 May 1675. 3 Jonathan (203) 4 John (204) 5 Hester (or Esther): b. 1682; m. 19 Mar 1706 Brewster Higley. 6 Elizabeth: d. 12 Jul 1700. 7 Sarah: 1691; m. 17 Dec 1712 Samuel Barber; she d. 1787. 8 Catherine: 1689; m. 22 Jan 1707 Joseph Messenger. 9 Benjamin: b. 15 Feb 1697 (or 1698); m. 12 Oct 1727, Anna (Hannah) Case (dau. of Samuel Case, d. 12 Oct 1727..."
The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data, With Brief Biographical Sketches of the Descendants of Deacon Samuel Chapin, Gilbert Warren Chapin, Vol I, Chapin Family Association, Hartford Connecticut, 1924 p17: "Mary Bliss 1-3-3... m. FEb 27, 1670, Springfield, Nathaniel Holcombe... Children: HOLCOMBE *7 Sarah b. 1691. d. Dec 14, 1787, ae 96..."
p72: "Sarah Holcombe 1-3-3-7. dau. Nathaniel & Mary (Bliss) Holcombe. b. 1691, d. Dec 14, 1787, ae. 96. m. Dec 17, 1712, Simsbury, Samuel Barber, b. May 17, 1673, d. Dec. 18, 1725. Children: BARBER. *1 Samuel b. 1713. d. Jan 14, 1797. *2 Thomas b. 1616. d. 1792. *3 Jonathan b. 1717.d. 1745. *4 John b. Dec 4, 1719. d. Dec 27, 1797. 5 Mercy b. 1721. m. Ephraim Buell. *6 Sarah b. Apr 1, 1722. d. Dec 19, 1785.?
NOTES Genealogy of Our Barber Family 1614-1965 by Lucy James COLE Flemming (Written by Lucy Cole Flemming (great granddaughter of Col Levi Barber from record book kept in the family and from Barber Genealogy compiled by Lillian May Wilson in 1909. Copied from LCF's handwritten account by granddaughter Linda Engle Lackore Summer 2000.) ..."SECOND GENERATION "Thomas Barber- 2 son of Thomas Barber born 14 Jul 1644, mar 17 Dec 1663 to Mary Phelps (born 2 Mar 1644). Thomas died 10 May 1713 Simsbury Connecticut. Estate valued at L448-182-3d... "The children of Thomas- 2 and Mary Phelps were the following: John b 1 Nov 1664 m Mary Holcomb Mary b 11 Jan 1666 Sarah b 12 Jul 1669 m Andrew Robe Joanna b 1670 m 3 Jan 1710 Josiah Adkins Anne b 1671 m Jonathan Higley Thomas b 7 Oct 1672 m Abigail Buel Samuel b 7 May 1673 m Sarah Holcomb - (OUR ANCESTOR) Child b 1677 d young." "THIRD GENERATION "Samuel Barber (son of Thomas) born 17 May 1673 died Dec 1725 mar 17 Dec 1712 to Sarah Holcomb (who was daughter of Nathan and Mary Holcomb) Sarah born 1691 died 1787 age 96 years. "The Hartford Probate Records contain the following regarding the settlement of Samuel Barber estate: 'Samuel Barber died Dec 1724. Inventory L306-06-07. Will dated 7 Dec 1725.' [pg 37 Barber Genealogy] "Their children: Samuel b 1713-14 - (OUR ANCESTOR) Thomas b 1716 Jonathan b 1717 John b 4 Dec 1719 Mercy b Abt 1721 m Ephriam Buel Sarah b 1 Apr 1722 m John Case 7 Nov 1745 [Reference pg 37 Barber Genealogy]"
Florence Louise Flemming: "After the death of her husband Samuel, Mary (or Mercy) moved from Windsor Connecticut to West Simsbury Connecticut with her 6 children in 1738. She was 47 at this time; 18 years younger than her husband. She died in 1787; aged 96 years. West Simsbury is now Canton Connecticut."
INTERNET Holcombe Family Genealogy James and Randal Holcombe Descendants of Thomas Holcombe 70. Sarah3 Holcombe (Nathaniel2, Thomas1)(202) was born 1691. Mercy died 1787 at 96 years of age. She married Samuel Barber in Simsbury, CT, December 17, 1712.(203) Samuel was born in Simsbury, CT May 17, 1673. Samuel(204) was the son of Lt. Thomas Barber and Mary Phelps. Samuel died December 18, 1725 in Simsbury, CT, at 52 years of age. Phelps and Barber Genealogies gives her birth date as 15 Feb. 1678. Also information on Family Group Sheets from Diane Graham, 3912 5th Ave, Sioux City, IA 51106. Sarah Holcombe and Samuel Barber had the following children: + 407 i. Samuel4 Barber II was born 1713/4. + 408 ii. Sgt. Thomas Barber was born 1716. + 409 iii. Jonathan Barber was born 1717. + 410 iv. John Barber was born 1719. + 411 v. Mercy Barber was born 1721. + 412 vi. Sarah Barber was born April 01, 1722.
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.10 3GLN-7V Sarah HOLCOMBE Born 1691 West Simsbury Hartford CT Mar 17 Dec 1712 Samuel BARBER BGQ1-KM Simsbury Hartford CT Died 14 Dec 1787 Simsbury Harford CT.
INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX IGI Birth T990439-147-1395539 Father Nathaniel HOLCOMB Mother Mary BLISS 1691 Granby Twp Hartford Connecticut.
LATTER DAY SAINTS LDS Submission: Anna Mae Barber Wright 404 N Delmar Ave San Gabriel California. LDS Heir: Anna Mae Barber Wright 4th Great Granddaughter DrSBJr. Sarah HOLCOMB Mar Samuel Barber Mother of (Dr)Samuel BARBER.
LDS Submission: Mrs Harriet C Larsen 73 South 4th East Logan Utah. LDS Heir: Joseph Nephi Comish c 5th GGNephew il SB, 5th GGNephew SH. Sarah HOLCOMB Born 1691 ?Springfield Hampden Massachusetts Mar 17 Dec 1712 Samuel BARBER Died 1787.
1. Removed; 1738, West Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. From Windsor, after husband's death, with six children.
Marriage Information:
Sarah married Samuel BARBER, Sr, son of Lieutenant Thomas BARBER, Jr and Mary PHELPS, on 17 Dec 1712 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. (Samuel BARBER, Sr was born on 17 May 1673 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA, christened in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA and died on 18 Dec 1725 in Lewisburg, , Connecticut, USA.)