King Kenneth Macalpin SCOTLAND, I
(Abt 810-Abt 858)
Queen Kenneth I SCOTLAND
(Abt 814-)
King Constantine SCOTLAND, I
(Abt 836-876)
Queen Constantine SCOTLAND, I
(Abt 840-)
King Donald SCOTLAND, II
(Abt 862-Abt 900)


Family Links

Queen Donald SCOTLAND, II

King Donald SCOTLAND, II

  • Born: Abt 862-878, , , Scotland
  • Died: Abt 900-904, Battle, Forres, Morayshire, Scotland

   Other names for Donald were STRATHCLYDE King, Dasachtach and SCOTLAND King.

   Ancestral File Number: 9G9M-F2. User ID: 9681789328.

   General Notes:

King of STRATHCLYDE, King of SCOTLAND Reigned 889/893-900/904.

Kings and Queens of Great Britain, Genealogical Chart, AnneTaute and Romilly Squire, Taute, 1990: "Donald II Son of Constantine I, King of Scotland 889-900, Killed in Battle."

Wall Chart of World History, Edward Hull, 1988, Studio Editions, Scotland 893: "Donald VI, King of Scotland 893-904..."

The Formation of England, 550-1042, HPR Finberg, 1974, Paladin, p14: "In what is now Scotland the kingdom of Strathclyde, with its main stronghold at Dumbarton, was destined to remain at least nominally independent until the eleventh century."
p175:"Immediately after his consecration Edgar summoned a meeting of all the kings in Britain and took care to impress his power and new-found dignity upon them by a naval demonstration in the estuary of the Dee. At Chester Kenneth of Alba, Donaldof Strathclyde, Maccus of the Isles, Iago of Gwynedd, and at least two other princes acknowledged his supremacy and promised to serve him by sea and by land. According to a late but credible tradition, Edgar ceded to Kenneth, in return for homage, Lothian, which at that time included all the territory between the Firth and the Tweed..."

Ancestral File Ver 4.10 9G9M-F2 Donald II Born/?Died Abt 862, 8HRV-Q2 Donald IV Born Abt 878 Died 900, WCWH Donald VI Died 904.

   Marriage Information:

Donald married Queen Donald SCOTLAND, II. (Queen Donald SCOTLAND, II was born about 866 in , , Scotland.)

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