(Abt 1495-)
(Abt 1505-1576)
John William RESKIMER
(Abt 1515-)
(Abt 1536-1606)
Katherine RESKIMER
(Abt 1541-)
(Abt 1567-Bef 1642)


Family Links

Gilbert HOLCOMBE, Sr


  • Born: Abt 1567-1585, Ladock, Brottonin, Cornwall, England
  • Married: Abt 1593-1600, Votten, Cornwall, England
  • Died: Bef 1642, , , England

   Another name for Anne was Ann.

   Ancestral File Number: 8JRD-8R. User ID: 4617.

   General Notes:

The Mary and John The Story of the Founding of Dorchester Massachusetts 1630, Maude Pinney Kuhns, Charles E Tuttle Co, Rutland VT, 1943, (CT Historical Society)
p42: "Thomas Holcomb was born about 1601, and is believed to have been the son of Gilbert and Ann Holcomb. He married Elizabeth Ferguson probably after arriving in America, though it has been claimed that they married in England before embarking on the 'Mary and John'..."

The Holcombs (Holcombes 1631-1887), Portland Ore, GH Himes Printer, 1887, 33p 22 cm 41-41198 CS71.H725 1887: "Some account of their origin settlement and scatterment as elicited at the first and second family reunions, held at LeRoy PA Oct 1879 and Mount Airy NJ Aug 1886, On Cover: `The Holcombes 1631-1887'".

The Holcomb(e) Genealogy History and Directory, Jesse Seaver, Philadelphia PA, American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1925, vii 286p 27.5cm, CS71.H725 1925 and 1925a, p4: "(M) Thomas H Holcombe: born 1540 (or 1559); married Margaret (or Jane) Trethford (or Trethurfe), of Cornwall, at Ashton.
(M1) Gilbert: born about 1565; married Anne, daughter of Peter Courtenay,
of Vrottonin (?), Cornwall. He sold the estate at Hole to Ellis Bartlett,
and Down Ralph (now Rows Down to Mr. Mallock, about 1600 (wnb), and went
to Pembrokeshire, Wales. Children:
1 Thomas: married Elizabeth. Evidences indicate that it was he who
came to Massachusetts in `The Mary and John," about 1629 (or 1630),
see page 8.
2 Alfred..."

The Holcomb(e) Genealogy History and Directory, Jesse Seaver, Philadelphia PA, American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1925, vii 286p 27.5cm, CS71.H725 1925 and 1925a, p4: "(M) Thomas H Holcombe: born 1540 (or 1559); married Margaret (or Jane) Trethford (or Trethurfe), of Cornwall, at Ashton.
(M1) Gilbert: born about 1565; married Anne, daughter of Peter Courtenay,
of Vrottonin (?), Cornwall. He sold the estate at Hole to Ellis Bartlett,
and Down Ralph (now Rows Down to Mr. Mallock, about 1600 (wnb), and went
to Pembrokeshire, Wales. Children..."

Ancestral File 8JRD-8R Anne Born Abt 1573 Ladock Cornwall England Mar Abt 1600, Ver 4.10 Born 1573, Mar Gilbert HOLCOMBE (AFN:8JRD-7L) 1600 Votten Cornwall, P6Z8-PT Born Abt 1585 Of Brottonin Cornwall, Mar Gilbert HOLCOMBE (AFN:P6Z8-NN).

IGI Birth 8730904-2-0139641 Ann COURTENAY Father Peter COURTENAY Born 1567 Cornwall England.

IGI Marriage 8732204-79 Ann COURTENAY Mar Gilbert HOLCOMBE 1593 Devon England.

   Marriage Information:

Anne married Gilbert HOLCOMBE, Sr, son of Thomas H HOLCOMBE and Margaret TRETHURFFE, about 1593-1600 in Votten, Cornwall, England. (Gilbert HOLCOMBE, Sr was born about 1565-1583 in Hole, Devonshire, England and died about 1633-1634 in , Pembrokeshire, Wales.)

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