- Born: Abt 1505-1535, Landrake, Ashton, Cornwall, England
- Married (1): Nov
- Married (3): 20 Jun 1559, Ashton, Cornwall, England
- Died: 28 Jun 1576
Other names for Margaret were TRETFORD, TRETHFORD, Jane and TRETHURFE.
Ancestral File Number: RHKJ-HC. User ID: 9233/18469.
General Notes:
BOOKS The Holcombs (Holcombes 1631-1887), Portland Ore, GH Himes Printer, 1887, 33p 22 cm 41-41198 CS71.H725 1887: "Some account of their origin settlement and scatterment as elicited at the first and second family reunions, held at LeRoy PA Oct 1879 and Mount Airy NJ Aug 1886, On Cover: `The Holcombes 1631-1887'".
The Holcomb(e) Genealogy History and Directory, Jesse Seaver, Philadelphia PA, American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1925, vii 286p 27.5cm, CS71.H725 1925 and 1925a, p4: "(J) Ellis Holcombe, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Sydenham, of Winford Eagle, Dorsetshire, England. Children... "(M) Thomas H Holcombe: born 1540 (or 1559); married Margaret (or Jane) Trethford (or Trethurfe), of Cornwall, at Ashton..."
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.12 RHKJ-HC Margaret (Jane) TRETHFORD Mar 1559 Thomas HOLCOMBE 8JRH-PF Ashton Cornwall England.
8JRH-LW, 8JRH-QL Margaret TRETHURFFE, 8VL4-FP Margaret Jane TRETHFORD, 9CLD-6L and G77B-5W Ver 4.10 Margaret TRETFORD.
8JRH-QL Born 1535, Mar Thomas HOLCOMBE (AFN:8JRH-PF).
8JRH-LW Born 1505, Mar Edward ?COURTNEY <COURTENAY (AFN:8JRH-KQ) and Richard BULLER (AFN:92WQ-4X), Died 28 Jun 1576.
INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX IGI Birth 8730904-4-0139641 Margaret TRETHFORD ?Father<Great Grandfather ?Raymond<Reynold TRETHFORD Born 1527 Devon England.
IGI Marriage 8732204-79 Margaret TRETHFORD Spouse Thomas H HOLCOMBE 1559 Devon England, 8104205-87-1260835 Spouse Thomas HOLCOMBE 1559 Ashton Cornwall England.
Marriage Information:
Margaret married Edward COURTENAY, Jr, son of Edward COURTENAY, Sr and Alice WOTTON, in Nov. (Edward COURTENAY, Jr was born about 1495 in Landrake, Ashton, Cornwall, England.)
Marriage Information:
Margaret also married Richard BULLER.
Marriage Information:
Margaret also married Thomas H HOLCOMBE, son of Ellis HOLCOMBE and Elizabeth SYDENHAM, on 20 Jun 1559 in Ashton, Cornwall, England. (Thomas H HOLCOMBE was born about 1526-1559 in Hole, Devonshire, England.)