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Reverend Elijah Grant SEAMANDS, Sr (1777-1862) |
Reverend Elijah Grant SEAMANDS, Sr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Cabell County Annals and Families, George Selden Wallace, Cabell County Annals and Families, (1001008985), Pg 484-485. ...Elijah Seamonds married a Keeton, sister to Mrs. Justine Keeton Sandridge, wife of Reubens Sandridge, who were early settlers in Cabell County, and it has been said that the two families came to the county at the same time, as they both lived near Barboursville, one on Mud River, and the other on Merritts Creek, a tributary of Mud River...
2 Cabell Co WV Heritage 1809-1996, Cabell Co WV Heritage 1809-1996, (929.3754421 C HRL), Pg 295. JOSEPH SEAMANDS...Jonathan's son, Elijah Grant Seamands (1 Oct 1777- 31 Dec 1862) married Lucy Sandridge (7 Apr 1778- 10 Jan 1859) in Orange County on 13 Oct 1796. They moved to Cabell County in 1811 and settled near Barboursville.
3 US Census 1820, US Census 1820, Virginia. Elijah G Seamonds Age 26-44, Wife Age 26-44, Parents >45
Sons 1 Age <1yo (Elijah Grant Jr), 2 Age 1-9 (Charles Ramsey), 1 Age 10-15 (William Riley), 1 Age 16-25 (Peyton Randolph)
Daus 4 Age 0-9, 2 Age 10-15.4 US Census 1830, US Census 1830, Virginia. Elijah G Seamonds Age 50-59, Wife Age 50-59
Sons 2 Age 0-4, 2 Age 5-9 (Enoch & Elijah Grant Jr), 2 Age 20-29 (Charles Ramsey & William Riley), 1 Age 30-39 (Peyton Randolph) Daus 3 Age 15-19, 2 Age 20-29, 1 Age 30-39.5 US Census 1840, US Census 1840, Virginia. Elijah G Seamonds Age 50-59, Wife Age 50-59 (sic <60-69) Sons 2 Age 10-14, 2 Age 15-19 (Enoch & Elijah Grant Jr) Daus 1 20-29.
6 Cabell Co WV Heritage 1809-1996, Cabell Co WV Heritage 1809-1996, (929.3754421 C HRL), Pg 295. JOSEPH SEAMANDS...Jonathan's son, Elijah Grant Seamands (1 Oct 1777- 31 Dec 1862) married Lucy Sandridge (7 Apr 1778- 10 Jan 1859) in Orange County on 13 Oct 1796. They moved to Cabell County in 1811 and settled near Barboursville. Elijah was a Baptist minister. As one of the area's first school teachers, he was a strict disciplinarian. Later in life they moved to Lawrence County, OH, where they died. Their children included Sarah (1797- 1866), Elijah G Jr, Peyton R, Charles Ramsey (1811-1899), and Enoch (1824- 1892). The last three moved to Jackson County Iowa...
7 Cabell County Annals and Families, George Selden Wallace, Cabell County Annals and Families, (1001008985), Pg 484-485. SEAMONDS
Elijah Seamonds, who was born in Albemarle County Virginia, came to Cabell County at an early date. He was the son of Ephriam Seamonds, who served in the Albemarle Militia during the Revolutionary War and died in 1801.
Elijah Seamonds married a Keeton, sister to Mrs Justine Keeton Sandridge, wife of Reubens Sandridge, who were early settlers in Cabell County, and it has been said that the two families came to the county at the same time, as they both lived near Barboursville, one on Mud River, and the other on Merritts Creek, a tributary of Mud River.
Elijah Seamonds was one of the early school teachers, and was a man of influence in his day. He had a number of children; among them being William R, and Elijah G, Jr, who lived near Davis' Creek.8 Hardesty's West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia, Jim Comstock, Hardesty's West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia
, (1000194052), Vol VI, Pg 104-105. Willliam R Seamands was a son of Elijah G and Lucy (Sandridge) Seamands, who made their home in Cabell county 11 Dec 1811. He was born in Albermarle (sic) county VA on the 5th of March 1809. His father was one of the most prominent of the early settlers here, and was a minister and one of the first school teachers. In what is now Union district, Cabell county, 5 Mar 1829 William R Seamands wedded Nancy Harshbarger, who was born in Botetourt county VA on New Years Day 1810. In Sep 1818, her parents David and Elizabeth (Beaheer) Harshbarger, made their home in Cabell county...9 Genealogy Website, Genealogy Website, http://www.geocities.com/ftresrch/cgi-bin/ESmnds.htm. Generation No. 1
1. ELIJAH G. SEAMANDS was born in Virginia, and died in West Virginia.
2. i. WILLIAM R. SEAMANDS, b. Virginia; d. West Virginia.10 Ibid, http://genforum.genealogy.com/seamonds/messages/. 8.html 21 Aug 1999
Rev. Elijah Grant Seamands son of Ephraim II.
Looking to connect wife Lucy Sandridge to rest of Sandridge family. Believe she is daughter of Stephen b abt 1752 VA married Sarah (Sallie). Can you connect to Sandridge family? E-mail Al Ankrum at adankrum@home.com
13.html November 17, 2000
Elijah Seamands and Lucy Sandridge connection found. If you are a descendant check here (adankrum@home.com) for Sandridge ancestors
17.html Al Ankrum adankrum@home.com July 28, 2000
Seeking parents of Lucy Sandridge, b.April 7, 1778, d. in Cabel Co., VA. (now WV) married Elijah Grant Seamands, Rev. in 1798 in Orange Co. VA.
18.html 19 Aug 2001
Joan, The connection I have found is Elijah Grant Seamands to Lucy Sandridge m 13/Oct/1798. There is still a debate going on about this. Al
19.html 19 Aug 2001
Al, Has the debate settled on who Elijah Grant Seamonds' father was? I'm pretty sure it WASN'T Ephraim Jr. I live in Albemarle County, let me know if I can look anything up for you. Joan Graves
20.html 19 Aug 2001
Joan, Debate seems to have settled on Jonathan b. 1756 as father, brother of Ephraim Jr. Al
26.html Al Ankrum November 15, 2000
...Elijah and Lucy had 6 sons that I know of - Enoch (my ancestor), William, Elijah II, Payton, Charles, and Henry. I have most of this family's descendants. Do you have the ancestors of Lucy beyond her parents? I will send whatever you want from the Seamands family by return attachment.Al (in Baltimore MD)
30.html Diana Guthrie January 08, 2001
Harriett, I found out today that my Sarah Henderson Simmons (married James Brammer) was most likely the dau of Elijah Grant Seamonds and Lucy Sandridge/Sandage. I think you just might have nailed it home when you stated Stephen Sandridge was married to a Sarah with surname most likely being Henderson. I have always thought that my Sarah's middle name was from an ancestor's surname. Any help to further prove this lineage would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance......Diana
39.html Casey icefalcon@intelligencia.com
Good news: I have solved the great mystery of why many of us have no record of this woman. Bad news: She isn't a Sandridge at all. Lucy Seamands was a KEATON.
Refer to the following:
George Selden Wallace, Cabell County Annals and Families (Seamonds), Pg 484-485, Cabell Co Public Library, 455 Ninth Street, Huntington, WV 25701, 1001008985.
Her sister Justine Keaton married Reuben Sandridge (son of Stephen), and I bet people assumed both sister's last name was Sandridge, but it was Justine's married name. So Lucy's maiden name was Keeton, not Sandridge at all, that's why we can't find her.
International Genealogical Index, v4.01, Film No. 538597, 184740, 178006, Page Number 48, Reference Number 1496; and No.177938, Page 1110, Reference 41583
This is better explained and documented at:
(Reuben) http://www.geneal.net/8108.htm
(Lucy) http://www.geneal.net/227.htm
Good luck.
43.html Al Ankrum March 15, 2001
I have the children of Elijah Grant Seamands (Rev.) and Lucy "Sandridge". Can you take a family tree maker file? Also, have a problem that some are indicating that Lucy's real maiden name is Keaton??? Can you help. I can take attachments in Word or Family tree maker.
44.html Al Ankrum March 15, 2001
Diana: Enoch, son of Elijah Grant Seamands Rev., married Ruth Brammer (I have pictures). If Sarah married James Brammer, it must be brother, sister, sister, brother marriages between the Seamands and Brammer families. Do you have info on Brammer ancestors? I have it if you need it. Al
45.html Al Ankrum March 15, 2001
Linda: Additional information. The Lucy Sandridge m. to Elijah Seamands (1796) info shows children born to pair as late a 1824. How does this relate to your info on m. in 1804?.11 Hardesty's West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia, Jim Comstock, Hardesty's West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia
, (1000194052), Vol VI, Pg 104-105. William R Seamands was a son of Elijah G and Lucy (Sandridge) Seamands, who made their home in Cabell county 11 Dec 1811...
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