Duke Henry I Burgundy BOURGOGNE
- Born: 946-954, , , France
- Married (1): Jun 992, , , France
- Married (4): 972
- Died: 15 Oct 1001-1002
Other names for Henry were BURGUNDY Duke, Heinrich, Henri and BOURGOGNE Duke.
Ancestral File Number: 9G85-QK.
General Notes:
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.10 9G85-QK, and 9HMX-JW, Not Married Concubine Bourgogne Henry I.
Marriage Information:
Henry married Countess Mathilda De CHALONS, daughter of Count Lambert D' Autun CHALONS and Countess Adele De Vermandois ANJOU, in Jun 992 in , , France. (Countess Mathilda De CHALONS was born about 936-949 in Chalons, Seine-Et-Loire, France and died about 1005-1019.)
Marriage Information:
Henry also married Gersende De GASCOGNE.
Marriage Information:
Henry also married Concubine Bourgogne Henry I.
Marriage Information:
Henry also married Countess Gerberge BURGUNDY, daughter of Count Letald MACON and Countess Adelaide De Chalons VERMANDOIS, in 972. (Countess Gerberge BURGUNDY was born about 936-956 in Macon, Seine-Et-Loire, France and died on 11 Dec 986 in Castle, Pouilly, Pouilly-Sur-Saom, France.)