Viscount Eudo Yon De Capello COTENTIN
- Married: Abt 1056, , Normandy, France
Another name for Eudo was COTENTIN Viscount.
Ancestral File Number: V9V6-JR.
General Notes:
Viscount of COTENTIN.
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.13 V9V6-JR Euco Yon De Capello COTENTIN Viscount, HRVV-2P Eudo Al CHAPEL.
Marriage Information:
Eudo married Muriel De CONTEVILLE, daughter of Viscount Herluin De CONTEVILLE and Herleve De FALAISE, about 1056 in , Normandy, France. (Muriel De CONTEVILLE was born about 1041 in Conteville, , France.)