King Ladislas Vazul HUNGARY, I
Other names for Ladislas were HUNGARY Prince, Laszlo, HUNGARY King and Szar.
Ancestral File Number: 9HMV-QN.
General Notes:
Prince of HUNGARY, King of HUNGARY.
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.11 9HMV-QN Ladislas Vazul I King of HUNGARY, Ver 4.10 881C-J6 Szar Laszlo Prince of HUNGARY.
Marriage Information:
Ladislas married Princess Premislava Vladimirovna KIEV, daughter of Grand Duke Saint Vladimir Sviatoslawitz KIEV, I and Princess Rogneda POLOTSK. (Princess Premislava Vladimirovna KIEV was born about 980 in Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine.)