Princess Teresa Urraca PORTUGAL
- Born: Abt 1113, , , Portugal
Another name for Teresa was PORTUGAL Princess.
Ancestral File Number: 91RN-5C.
General Notes:
Princess of PORTUGAL.
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.11 91RN-5C Teresa Princess of PORTUGAL Born Abt 1113 Portugal Mar Sancho Nunez De BARBOSA 91RQ-JJ and Bermudo Perez De Trastmare 9BBR-1C, 91RN-6J Urraca Princess of PORTUGAL BornAbt 1113 Portugal Mar Bermudo Perez De TRASTMARE 91RR-13.
Marriage Information:
Teresa married Sancho Nunez De BARBOSA.
Marriage Information:
Teresa also married Bermudo Perez De TRASTAMARE.