King Peter I ARAGON
Other names for Peter were Pedro, ARAGON King and NAVARRE King.
General Notes:
King of ARAGON Reigned 1094-1104, King of NAVARRE Reigned 1094-1104.
BOOKS Kings and Queens of Europe, Genealogical Chart, Anne Taute and Romilly Squire, Taute,1989: "Pedro I, Son of Sancho I King of Aragon & Navarre, King of Aragon 1094-1104, King of Navarre 1094-1104, Died 1104."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Micropaedia, Vol I, p472, Aragon Kingdom of: "By 1104 the kings of Aragon had doubled the size of the kingdom by conquests southward toward the Ebro River..."
Vol VIII, p407, Ramiro II the Monk: "Died 1154, King of Aragon from 1134 to 1137. The third son of Sancho V Ramirez, Ramiro was... elected to succeed his brother, Alfonso I..."
The New Columbia Encyclopedia, 1975, p2119, Peter I: "Died 1104, King of Aragon 1094-1104, son and successor of Sancho I. He continued the fight against the Moors, taking (1096) Huesca and recapturing (1100) Barbastro. His brother AlfonsoI succeeded him."
The Wall Chart of World History, Edward Hull, 1988, Studio Editions, Aragon, 1094: "Peter, King of Aragon, 1094-1104."