King Lothaire FRANCE
- Born: 13 Jun 940-941, Laon, Aisne, France
- Married: 16 Dec 964
- Died: 2 Mar 986, Compiegne, Oise, France
- Buried: Abbey, St Remy, Reims, Marne, France
Ancestral File Number: 9GDD-4T.
General Notes:
King of FRANCE, King of WEST FRANKS 954-986.
BOOKS Europe in the Middle Ages, Robert S Hoyt, 1957, Harcourt Brace & Co, p621: "Genealogical Table II, The Carolingians, Lothair, King of West Franks 954- 986..."
The Wall Chart of World History, Edward Hull, 1988, Studio Editions, France 879: "Lothair, Son of Louis IV, King of France 954-986, poisoned..."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Micropaedia, Vol VI, p336, Lothair: "Born Abt 941, DiedAbt 986, of the Carolingian dynasty, the son of Louis IV he was elected king without opposition after his father's death, but was dominated first by Hugh the Great and then by Otto I's brother, Archbishop Bruno of Cologne who furthered Otto'spolicy of maintaining a balance of power in France between teh Carolingian rulers and their Robertian rivals and persuaded Lothair not to annex Burgundy but to give the duch to Otto, a son of Hugh the Great. Lothair was forced to attend a council hald by Otto I at Cologne in June 965, and in the same year he married Otto's stepdaughter Emma. "Lothair failed to profit from the freedom brought by Bruno's death late in 965. Though he preserved his domain carefully, he was much distracted by feudal conflict. Also a persistent desire to get Lorraine from the German allegiance brought desatrous consequences: his support of a feudal revolt there (976) against Otto II impelled the latter to give the duchy of Lower Lorraine toLothair's refractory brother Charles; Lothair's plan to capture Otto's family at Aachen (978) miscarried and provoked a retaliatory raid into France; and a third invasion of Lorraine (985) not only failed in its purpose but determined the powerful Archbishop Adalberon of Reims to support the Robertian Hugh Capet against Lothair. Lothair was, however, preparing yet another expedition into Lorraine when he died."
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.11 9GDD-4T Born 13 Jun ?1930<940 Mar 16 Dec ?1954<964, EB Born Abt 941.
Marriage Information:
Lothaire married Queen Emma FRANKS on 16 Dec 964.