Emperor Michael BYZANTIUM, III
Other names for Michael were "The Drunkard" and BYZANTIUM Emperor.
General Notes:
"The Drunkard", BYZANTINE Emperor 842-867.
Not Married Eudocia Ingerina Empress Byzantium.
BOOK The Story of Civilization, Will Durant, Vol IV, The Age of Faith, Bk IV, The Dark Ages, Ch XVIII, The Byzantine World, Sec III, p428: "...Michael III `theDrunkard' (842-867), whose amiable incompetence left the government first to his mother and, after her death, to his cultured and capable uncle Caesar Bardas... "...Back in the capital [Basil the Macedonian] tamed a spirited horse for Michael III, was taken into the Emperor's service, and, though quite illiter- ate, rose to the position of lord chamberlain. Basil was ever convenient and competent; when Michael sought a husband for his mistress, Basil divorced his peasantwife, sent her to Thrace with a comforting dowry, and married Eudocia, who continued her services to the Emperor. Michael supplied Basil with a mistress, but the Macedonian thought he deserved the throne as reward... "...Leo VI (886-912) was the complement of his father: learned, bookish, sedentary, mild; gossip concluded that he was Michael's, not Basil's, son, and perhaps Eudocia was not sure..."
Marriage Information:
Michael married Empress Eudocia Ingerina BYZANTIUM. (Empress Eudocia Ingerina BYZANTIUM was born about 824-835 in Constantinople, Byzantium, Turkey.)