Countess Gersende De BIGORRE
Other names for Gersende were Garsinde BIGORE and BIGORRE Countess.
Ancestral File Number: 9HQH-QG. User ID: 1210223891.
General Notes:
Countess of BIGORRE.
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.11 9HQH-QG Gersende De BIGORRE Countess, 9HMH-NS Garsinde BIGORE Born Abt 1019.
Marriage Information:
Gersende married Count Bernard Roger BIGORRE, son of Count Roger CARCASSONNE, I and Countess Adelaide CARCASSONNE. (Count Bernard Roger BIGORRE was born about 971-1017 in Carcassonne, Aude, France and died in 1038.)