King Gonzalo Sobrarbe RIBAGORZA
Another name for Gonzalo was RIBAGORZA King.
General Notes:
BOOK The New Columbia Encyclopedia, 1975, p2274, Ramiro I: "Died 1063, first King of Aragon (1035-1063), illegitimate son of Sancho III of Navarre, from whom he inherited Aragon. After the death of his half brother Gonzalo he annexed Sobrarbe and Ribagorza and fought unsuccessfully against the Moorish king of Saragossa. He died while fighting the Castilians at Graus and was succeeded by his son, Sancho Ramirez."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Micropaedia, Vol VIII, p407, Ramiro I: "...In 1045 [Ramiro I] annexed the territories belonging to his brother Gonzalo upon the latter's death."