- Born: 19 Sep 862-866, Constantinople, Byzantium, Turkey
- Married (1): 885, , , Turkey
- Married (2): 900
- Married (3): Abt 898-905, , , Byzantium
- Died: 12 May 911-912, , , Byzantium
Other names for Leo were Leon, "The Wise", "The Philosopher", "The Scholar", BYZANTIUM Co-Emperor and BYZANTIUM Emperor.
Ancestral File Number: HR98-PQ. User ID: 4840895704.
General Notes:
"The Wise," "The Philosopher," "The Scholar", Co-Emperor BYZANTIUM 870-886, BYZANTINE Emperor Reigned 886-911/912.
BOOKS Barber Grandparents: 125 Kings, 143 Generations, Ted Butler Bernard and Gertrude Barber Bernard, 1978, McKinney TX, p78: "307M Leo VI, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, (S of 295, F of 317); a learned student and known as the `Scholar'; empire suffered many disasters during his reign; on throne from 886 to his death in 911."
The Wall Chart of World History, Edward Hull, 1988, Studio Editions, Greek Eastern Empire, 919: "Leo VI, Emperor of Greek or Eastern Empire 886-911, The Philosopher..."
The New Columbia Encyclopedia, 1975, p1561, Leo VI: "`The Wise' or `The Philosopher', Born Abt 862, Died 912, Byzantine Emperor (886-912), son and suc- cessor of Basil I. He addid to the work of his father by the publication (887-893) of the `Basilica,' a modernization of the law of Justinian I and of canon law. Leo attempted to end the schism which had been provoked by the patriarch Photius, but the quarrel was renewed (906), partly over the issue of Leo's fourth marriage. During his reign, Leo was forced to pay tribute to the Bulgars after his defeat in 896. The Arabs completed the conquest of Sicily by taking Taormina in 902. They then sacked Salonica (906), and advanced in Asia Minor. Among Leo's edicts are the `Tactics,' for the army and navy, and the `Book of the Prefect,' on the duties of that officer, including his jurisdiction over the guilds of Constantinople. Leo was succeeded by his brother Alexander (reigned 912-913), and by his son Constantine VII."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Micropaedia, Vol VI, p148, Leo VI The Wise: "Epithet also `The Philosopher', Born 866, Died 912, Byzantine Emperor from 870 and Emperor form 886 to 912, completed the legal work begun under his father, Basil I, the Macedonian. His imperial laws, `The Basilica' became the legal code of the Byzantine Empire."
Macropaedia, Vol V, p74, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus: "...His mother was Zoe Carbonopsina, the mistress of his father, Leo VI, who marriedher shortly after, against the bitter opposition of the patriarch Nicholas Mysticus. It was Leo's fourth marriage, and the Greek Church normally forbade a widower to remarry more than once. As the infant was Leo's only male offspring, he had to be accepted..."
The Story of Civilization, Will Durant, Vol IV, The Age of Faith, Bk IV, The Dark Ages, Ch XVIII, The Byzantine World, Sec III, p429: "Leo VI (886-912) was the complement of his father: learned, bookish, sedentary, mild; gossip concluded that he was Michael's, not Basil's, son, and perhaps Eudocia was not sure. He earned his cognomen of `the Wise' not by his poetry, nor by his treatises on theology, administration, and war, byt by his reorganization of provincial and ecclesiastical government, his new formulations of Byzantine law, and his meticulous regulation of industry. Though an admiring pupil of the scholarly patriarch Photius, and himself devoted to piety, he shocked the clergy, and amused the people, by four marriages. His first two wives died without bearing him a son; Leo insisted on a son as the only alternative to a war of succession; the moral theology of the Church forbade a third marriage; Leo persisted, and his fourth wife, Zoe,crowned his resolution with a boy."
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File Ver 4.13 HR98-PQ Leon VI Emperor of the BYZANTINE EMPIRE Born 19 Sep 866 Constantinople Constantinople Turkey Mar 898 Died 12 May 912.
Marriage Information:
Leo married Empress Theophano BYZANTINE EMPIRE in 885 in , , Turkey.
Marriage Information:
Leo also married Eudoxia Baiana BYZANTINE EMPIRE in 900.
Marriage Information:
Leo also married Empress Zautzina Carbonopsina BYZANTIUM, daughter of Stylianos ZAUTZES, about 898-905 in , , Byzantium. (Empress Zautzina Carbonopsina BYZANTIUM was born about 874 in Constantinople, Byzantium, Turkey and died about Dec 899.)