Caius Martius COLE, Jr
General Notes:
LETTERS Paducah 11 Feb 1888 Sister Lucy I read this morning your not addressed to me in Marietta after it had traveled around after me for a month or more. I must tell you now that I am utterly unable to help you. You certainly don't understand my situation. I bought this boat with vorrowed money and have had the bad luck to sink which cost more money than I had to raise her. I will be obliged to pay $10 on an old tax claim against the land in Solcanda or else you will lose it and you will remember I paid $45 last spring which I would not have done for any one else under the circumstances. Whenever I am able to help you I will do so. It is not worth while for you to annoy me for I can positively do nothing for you or for anyone else til I make the money. Yours C Martius Cole